Friday, July 08, 2005

Apple Ignores The Average Podcaster

I mentioned on today's DSR podcast Order and Chaos that I am still not listed in iTunes directory and I really don't know how to fix that. I submitted stuff on day one but I am not there. Listener Al S. sent me this link to a Post by Matt May about how iTunes has gotten it wrong . . . . Here is some of Matt's right-on view: "Podcasters had been told that Apple was sourcing the iPodder directory to generate its own. This was good news: we all wanted to be there on launch. I knew that I was in that directory, so I figured I was in good shape. Then, on the morning of the launch, I searched the database for my show. No results found. So I went to submit my RSS feed, and found that someone had already submitted it. . . . I can only guess, as I wait through week 2, what the problem could be. One thing is for sure: Apple's not talking. . . . .Almost everything we knew about iTunes, we heard second-hand from people like Adam Curry and Dave Winer. . . . . . Nobody knows how they decide which podcasts they host and which they don't. Nobody even knows what the procedure is. All any podcaster can do at this point is to hope that those who do have access to Apple will let some detail slip. This is no way to communicate with independents. . . . . . "

This post is right where my heart is. Apple is just not paying attention to the broad community that sustains podcasting by creating most of its content. Adam and others probably get more ears with one cast than many of us do combined but it is the diversity and breadth of our content that makes it a unique medium. And more than a few of us get 1000's of real downloads per show. Apple is ignoring a secondary busienss benefit - thousands of podcasters who can tell hundreds of thousands of friends and associates with iPods and iTunes how to get more use from them driving everything from additional iPod sales to putting more eyes looking at itunes pages where Apple will get more sales of their commercial content and views of their add space.

I think it all comes down to corporate decisions on what makes Apple money. So my guess is they devoted very few 'man hours' in their business plan for a support plan around all those feeds that appear 'no charge' in iTunes. And like a bud of mine said - "You spend cheap - you get cheap!" Hope they wise up. . . they are sitting in Versailles playing with G5s while we peasants who till the podcast soil outside are not getting anything from this. . . yet. I doubt we will come up with a cyber-guillotine, but we grow restless, restless indeed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angry snake, hiss and rattle. Well i'm one pissed off Bluesman for all the same reasons. Well stated and correct use of venom-all puns intended.

We're being treated with less respect than Rodney Dangerfield, or the Las vegas losers that provided the money to build the glitzy casinos.

It's hard for adam Curry to both market Podshow Shows, Podfinder for apple, and be the face and spokesman for the "community". Too many conflicts.

Great that his shows all got in, but I don't hear him getting after Apple about the rest of us that got left out of the party.

One daren't bite the hand that feeds then right? Interesting that Sirius show is comprised of our shows-we get a little exposure and he gets a big wad of cash.

We on Parchman's Digital Farm Boss Snake!

12:24 PM  
Blogger Dreadful Snake Guy said...

Well, yes, but the point here is not Adam Curry. The point of this thread is that Apple as a corporation is not supporting well at all this broad user group called podcasters. I believe the root cause is that we dont provide revenue to Apple.

4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apple may very well shun you if they even think there are copyright violations in your podcast. If the music clips you play are from signed artists (e.g. Bela Fleck), they probably assume violations. Naturally, they won't communicate that to you since it would open the door for you to complain that you were denied access without being offered an appeal. An appeal process would be too cumbersome for them, so they just avoid by denying entry without giving a reason.

2:44 PM  

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