Saturday, September 24, 2005

How to Survive in a Japanese Retreat House

Spent 4 days in Japan including a night in an exclusive retreat house where it was 'spare' acommodations to say the least. Well they had this radio built into the wall with nothing but Japanese stations and then it hit me! iPod with iTrip!!! Tagged into this puppy's FM band and next thing you know . . . a little GD to soothe the soul while I changed into a robe-like yukata to join the boys for dinner and a little soak in the mineral springs. I have NO idea what the remote control did - looks like it ionizes the trees outside. Right click the pic to save it and see full size.

United Airlines Does Not Respect Our Intelligence

So on the longhaul flight over from SFO to Shanghai, this is how I am treated. Bad enuf that they tell you how to use the seatbelt. But this is the first time I have EVER seen this. Inside the toilet seat cover where they usually have pictures showing you not to throw weird stuff in the toilet, this is what they had. So let's see. . . .. first you sit on the toilet to use it. . . . OK . . . then you flush it!!! Thanks UAL! Not many of us would put THAT together.

Safe at Last

Luckily, there is no real danger to inhabitants from things like this. Whew. Shanghai remains a very safe city but ya better learn some Mandarin to get around. I have my basic taxi stuff about half way there (Turn Left! Turn Right!) but I still need the other two (Go Straight! Stop Here!)